Emergency Contraception

Latest in Emergency Contraception

New Prenatal Tests Raise Hopes and Fears

Recently developed prenatal tests can detect genetic abnormalities and peg gender earlier than ever before. But some health advocates are concerned these tests could increase the number of selective abortions and even lead to “designer babies.”

A Woman to Lead Liberia; Probe of FDA Withdrawn



Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf became Africa’s first elected woman president after winning Liberia’s presidential election Tuesday, the Associated Press reported. She declared victory Thursday night, despite claims from her opponent, George Weah, that her campaign stuffed ballot boxes and tainted the election results. Election monitors have found no signs of fraud.

FDA Official Resigns Over Plan B

Critics are calling the FDA’s decision to hold a public comment period on easing access to emergency contraception a stalling tactic. Yesterday the director of the FDA’s women’s health office resigned in protest.

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