Readers Ignited by Essay on Hillary’s Economics

Susan Feiner’s Women’s eNews commentary last week on the economic legacy of Bill Clinton and how it reflects on Hillary Clinton’s presidential agenda ignited an intense reader reaction. Read more by the author, her grateful fans and outraged critics.

Deficit-Hawk Clinton Preens Her Populist Feathers

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Fans Say . . .

Right on Susan. As a Welfare Rights activist I have seen first hand both of the Clinton’s poor treatment of low income women. Bill’s welfaredisreform put millions of women at risk for homelessness, losing their children and being forced to work long hours while leaving their childrenwith daycare providers. Bill singlehandedly worked to dismantle the safety net.

Hillary is even worse. After Bush took office and Hillary was elected a Senator we went to her office to plead with her to restore somebenefits to poor women. Her and her aides literally refused to see us and made us leave. Hillary grew up privileged and Republican and lest wenot forget that she served on the board of Wal-Mart for years.

I know that John McCain would be a horrible president but so would Hillary and I don’t believe that I could bring myself to vote forher.

–Maggie Bagon
Salem, Ore.

Finally, a fiscal opinion that mirrors mine. As a woman I am often the only person in the political conversation without a Billary banner. As anAfrican-American woman I have spent the last 16 years defending my right not to support the politics of the entire Clinton administration. Itappears that I am not alone. Thank you for addressing these issues. Continue to seek truth.

–Denyse Ray

Thanx for giving us the lowdown on the preening Ms. Hillary. It’s long overdue.

–Sheila Goldmacher

Thanks for running Susan Feiner’s excellent piece on Hillary. I’ve been waiting for someone to point out that many of the policies thathave led to the current economic crises were put in place by the Clintons. I’m also amazed that Hillary says one thing one day and the oppositethe next yet no one calls her on it. Her pandering is now totally out of control. During the last days of the Pennsylvania contest she madepromises that would cost taxpayers billions of dollars and are impossible for any president to deliver in this economy. But never mind. As wesay in New York, she plays by Clinton Rules.


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Those Opposed Say . . .

I find it very odd that a Director of Women’s Studies would use the term “Billary,” suggesting that once married, men and women lose theirability to think and act independently.

I wonder if Ms. Feiner has addressed the other candidates’ positions on the economy and women? This particular article reads like atargeted hit-job on Senator Clinton, a woman who has inspired women and men around the world with her knowledge, her work, and hercourage.

I expected balanced coverage of this campaign from Women’s eNews and I have been disappointed.

–Mary Smith
Doylestown, Penn.

Let me first fully disclose that I was sent a link to the opinion column, “Deficit-Hawk Clinton Preens . . . ” by a Hillary Clinton electionorganization. However, despite the fact that I do support Sen. Clinton’s run for President, I am not a blind supporter of everything she doesand says.

I read the full column expecting a critique of Sen. Clinton’s policy decisions in the Senate or positions she has taken during her campaign. Ialso expected that there would be constructive feedback, if you will, about what the “right path” would be to fix some of the shortcomings ofher policies.

What could Sen. Clinton do, as a senator and president, to help the financial situation of women? Instead, what I read was a rant thatfocused mostly on what happened decades ago during her husband’s time in office–which, by the author’s admission, was a very different timeindeed. I also suspect, as is the case in many opinion columns that pull in so many “facts” to support a very narrow agenda, that many of theseproof-points have been taken out of context. What were the alternatives to the policy decisions that were made?

Nothing is ever as black-and-white as this author has depicted. The issues facing every American–including our women–are very complexand there are no easy answers.

Like it or not, in most cases, there is not a 100 percent perfect solution. The key is to really want that perfect solution in your heart andsoul so that, in working toward it, even if it is never achieved, you will hopefully get close. I support Hillary because I believe she understandsthese complexities and does have the ability to reason and compromise.

I think the ability to strike a compromise is a strength, not a weakness and will, in the end, make us better (if not perfect) in thelong-run.

–Jennifer Cheplick
Emmaus, Penn.

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