Women’s eNews Partners with Cameras For Girls in Africa

The purposes of this combined program are to help reduce gender inequality and combat poverty.

Women’s eNews is pleased to announce its new partnership with Cameras For Girls, a nonprofit organization that uses photography as the catalyst for gender equality in Africa.

Thought this partnership, aspiring female journalists in Uganda will be trained by Women’s eNews’ writers and editors to expand their current photography skills to become international journalists, helping them pursue careers in what is still a male-dominated space. The purpose of this combined program to is help reduce gender inequality as well as combat poverty.

“These young women have already become storytellers through their photography, thanks to their training with Cameras for Girls,” says Lori Sokol, PhD, Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of Women’s eNews. “Now, they will also be trained as journalists to build their writing skills, enabling them to capture the world through words as well as photos.”

The year-long program will launch in June, 2024.

To learn more about Cameras for Girls, and its Founder and Executive Director, Amina Mohamed, please click here.


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