New Series: WOMXN UP! – Pulse Nightclub Mass Shooting Survivor Turns Activist

“I had to become part of the statistics to realize what was actually happening.” – Tiara Parker

Seven years ago, on June 12, 2016, a mass shooter killed 49 people and wounded 53 at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Tiara Parker, was there that night, along with her cousin, Akyra Monet Murray, celebrating Akyra’s graduation from high school. Tiara made it out alive. Akyra did not. 

Tiara has since dedicated her life to helping other survivors and families of the victims of mass shootings through Victim’s First, and launched her own organization, the Global Activist Awards, to honor fearless and formidable individuals who are fighting for change in their communities.

Click below to watch her describe what happened that night, and what she now believes to be true:*

Producer: Rebecca Greenberg
Editor: Alex Vanderheyden

*Also available on Spotify.

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