Divorce and Marriage

Iraqi Girl-Marriage Bill Called Vote-Getting Ploy

The draft law has made international headlines, mainly for provisions allowing girls as young as 9 and boys as young as 15 to marry. But when questioned on the likelihood that the text will be passed, one expert said: “I would say it is less than 50 percent.”

Latest in Divorce and Marriage

Bride Spurns Veil, Redefines Nuptials

In the anthology, “Here Come the Brides! Reflections on Lesbian Love And Marriage,” co-editors Audrey Bilger and Michele Kort offer an array of intimate insights. In this excerpt, performer Holly Hughes finds it’s easier to get married on Facebook.

Lebanon Protesters Take Aim at Family Law System

In the third and latest major demonstration in Lebanon, protesters of the sectarian or “confessional” system took special aim at religious family laws that prevent civil marriages and discriminate against women in various ways.

African Women Snared by Two Legal Systems

Ten years after the U.N. called for the strengthening of women’s legal rights around the globe, African women’s rights are still often caught in the tangle between traditional and civil laws. The first of a seven-part series on the Beijing Platform.

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