
Latest in Botswana

Times Snuggles With Viscount of Viagra: Yuck!

(WOMENSENEWS)–On the same day last week that The New York Times splashed an appreciation of the life of Playboy publisher Hugh Hefner on its front page, an op-ed column discussed attacks on a woman’s sexuality on the Internet and other areas of the media as a major roadblock to women’s advancement.

The Viscount of Viagra on page one, a women’s rights opinion at the end of the section. Definitely the odd couple.

Highlights of 2008 Election

Women’s eNews turned its spotlight onto the 2008 general election and the race for the presidency, taking a special look at races that either feature women as candidates or where women’s rights are a key issue.

Girls Gain Schools; Retiring Boomers Face Poverty



Impoverished girls in the Middle East are gaining more access to education.

Yemen announced it would rescind primary school fees for girls and the European Union said it would fund 200 new "girl friendly" schools for disadvantaged girls throughout Egypt, the United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks reported in two stories published May 7 and May 15.

Yemen’s fees for primary school have been low, but still prohibitive for over 1 million eligible girls.

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