Highlights of 2008 Election

Women’s eNews turned its spotlight onto the 2008 general election and the race for the presidency, taking a special look at races that either feature women as candidates or where women’s rights are a key issue.

Rosie the Voter

(WOMENSENEWS)–When the story of our time is written, 2008 will go down in history as the Year of Hillary.

Hillary Rodham Clinton didn’t win the White House, but she became the nation’s first truly viable female candidate to stake out a front-runner’s position in the run for the presidency.

Her entry alone made the race noteworthy and signified a turning point for all women: Win or lose, after the Year of Hillary has ended, American women will no longer face questions of "if" but only the certainty of "when."

Women’s eNews also kept an eye on lower-ticket races involving women and the women’s political agenda during a decisive–and historic–election year.

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